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Where Does Your Money Go?

In Advent, our focus is on preparing for Christmas, and part of that preparation is buying gifts. We follow in the steps of the Three Wise Men when we go to pick out gifts for the ones we love. As we go out on this journey, we should keep in mind that when we shop at a store, we are not just buying a gift, we are supporting the store we shop at and helping them stay in business. The goal of this post is not to tell you where you should and should not shop, but simply to inform you, so that when you do go shopping, you will know where your money goes.

Sometimes, convenience can blind us to what companies do, or sometimes we are just not well-informed. For example, I had no idea that Walmart employed the use of child labor sweat shops, yet Harvard Law says in an article: (Bold added)

“According to a National Labor Committee 2006 report, an estimated 200 children, some 11 years old or even younger, are sewing clothing for Hanes, Wal-Mart, J.C. Penney, and Puma at the Harvest Rich factory in Bangladesh.

The children report being routinely slapped and beaten, sometimes falling down from exhaustion, forced to work 12 to 14 hours a day, even some all-night, 19-to-20-hour shifts, often seven days a week, for wages as low as 6 ½ cents an hour. The wages are so wretchedly low that many of the child workers get up at 5:00 a.m. each morning to brush their teeth using just their finger and ashes from the fire, since they cannot afford a toothbrush or toothpaste.” (

Even Apple doesn’t always use the best conditions for its employees, according to an article in the Huffington Post, (, in which one of their supply firms in China has faced much scrutiny over the conditions for their laborers.

Along with supporting unsafe working conditions for employees, companies will support organizations through charitable donations. Sometimes, these organizations can be good and respect life, but others are not. According to Life Decisions International, Macy’s uses some of their funding to support Planned Parenthood, and on the Planned Parenthood website, Krogers’ reward program in Ohio directly supports Planned Parenthood.

These are just a few examples of companies and where their money goes. Again, companies also give to great organizations and help out their community. Also, this article is not to tell you where you should and should not shop. The reason I am writing this is because I want you to be informed. We have the internet at our fingertips through phones, etc, yet we do not use it to inform ourselves as often as we should.

We are a misinformed generation. On Facebook and Twitter, we share articles without even reading them, but solely based on the title, like this one article from the Huffington Post that circulated a few weeks ago: ( We no longer fact check, because sharing an article is not about informing others, but spreading our views and getting likes.

It is time that we changed that. You have the power to change our culture. You have the power to inform others and empower them. When you go shopping for Christmas, be informed about where you shop and what you are supporting through it.

This is serious stuff, and my post has been a little heavy and depressing so far, but hope is not lost! There are a lot of great businesses out there! For starters, go out and support your local small businesses. Instead of going to Starbucks, go to a locally owned coffee shop. A couple of those near St. Mary Magdalene are Gil’s Grounds and the Bold Roost (Both of which are very good!). Not only are you helping support a family, but the community you gain there is amazing! Every time I walk into my regular coffee shop it feels like home.

For gifts, there are a lot of free trade places. Good Gifts Naturally ( is a local business in Gilbert that sells gift baskets. Do you like World Market? Try out NOVICA, a site run by the National Geographic that supports small artists and craftsmen around the world ( Even trying a site like Etsy ( supports someone and helps them provide for their family or get them through school, while giving you unique gifts.

Now prepare yourself for a crazy idea…

What if you donate some of the presents you get this year to those in need? Many people are unable to afford gifts, so kids go through Christmas without any presents Christmas morning. Consider donating your gifts to a charity, or if you have a friend you know is struggling, invite them to share Christmas dinner with you and your family (if your parents are on board with the idea).

As we prepare for Christmas this Advent season, there are many ways that we can help our brothers and sisters in Christ, whether that is giving away some gifts, shopping at a different store, or sharing a dinner with someone in need. However you decide to prepare for Christmas, I pray that your lives are filled with love, and that everyone you meet will see Christ in you.

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